Our CEO, Linda Cahn, will be speaking again at the Annual Conference of the IFEBP taking place this year in Denver from October 17 – 20, 2021. The title of her Presentation: “Getting A Handle on Prescription Coverage Costs”. The Conference is both virtual and “live”. To sign up and attend, go here.

On November 17th, from 3:15 to 4:30 pm, the Coalition’s executive director, Linda Cahn, will address the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. Her topic? The single, most important topic that your Plan needs to understand, if your Plan wants to decrease its prescription coverage costs – “PBM Contracting”. To attend the event, go here: www.ifebp.org/usacvirtual

The State of Ohio has taken the lead in exposing – and trying to change – PBMs’ massive profit spreads, and asked our Executive Director, Linda Cahn, to testify about how to do so.

Joining Audrey Browne, Esq., our Executive Director, Linda Cahn, gave two Presentations captioned “A Case Study in PBM Selection and Contracting,” at the Annual Conference of the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.

Speaking again before the Southwest Benefits Association in Oklahoma City, our Executive Director provided new insights into decreasing and controlling prescription coverage costs.

Stay tuned for excerpts from Linda Cahn’s Presentation to the South West Benefits Association in Dallas, Texas.

Watch Linda Cahn’s recent Presentation to the Free Market Medical Association, captioned PBM Rebates & Other PBM Problems.

Linda Cahn testified before the Joint Committee on Health Care Reform in Bismarck, North Dakota, on May 9, 2018.

Linda Cahn was the Keynote Speaker at the Florida Healthcare Coalition Conference. Watch her Presentation “Changing the Prescription Coverage Industry” here.